We believe that the wellbeing of humanity is dependent on the wellbeing of all life.

Viriditas foundation is an initiative that seeks to support the understanding, evolution and expansion of consciousness. Our intention is to function as a catalyst for projects in the arts, sciences and humanities, which stimulate spiritual and social growth whilst promoting a sustainable and desirable future from a holistic perspective.


We believe that consciousness is an intrinsic property throughout nature and the cosmos, as proposed by emergent theories in physics, biology and neuroscience, as well as many philosophical and spiritual traditions through the ages. The growth and expansion of human consciousness is the key to a society, better equipped to respond to its needs and challenges - from the personal to the collective. We believe that the wellbeing of humanity is dependent on the wellbeing of all life. 

As individuals, and as a species as a whole, we carry within us the potential, as well as the evolutionary urge, to develop and mature - both psychologically and spiritually. This is life itself, the creative principle of the universe at work. 

Psychological development is about growing up and developing different aspects of our personal selves - to become more capable of taking different perspectives and to increase our capacity to deal with complexity. Spiritual development is about waking up and developing the quality and nature of our experience, our sense of aliveness and inner freedom. We believe that psychological and spiritual development are equally important in the quest to expand our consciousness. 

Like most spiritual traditions, that through the ages have seen serious exploration of personal inner worlds as a means to study the human consciousness, we believe that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world. To be able to radically change the outer world we need to get to know our inner ones.


Viriditas foundation seeks to support initiatives that explore the nature of consciousness and its relation to matter, organic life and the human psyche; in order to contribute to an expanded knowledge of ourselves, our planet and the universe. 

Viriditas Foundation was founded in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2017 by playwright, director and psychotherapist Åsa Olsson in collaboration with current fellow board members Jonas Pettersson, clinical psychologist and musician, David Österberg, psychotherapist and sound designer/composer, and Annelie Vadman, ceremonialist and Earth keeper.


The growth and expansion of human consciousness is the key to a better society.