Grant applications
We accept applications from individuals as well as registered NGOs. Please note that we do not accept applications from commercial enterprises of any kind. We have no requirements regarding formal qualifications or merits – the important thing is that your project meets the overall goals and objectives of the Foundation and that you have the resources to achieve it.
The application process.
Please note that we accept applications once a year, October 1st to 15th. The first step of the application process is to complete the online application form. Try to be as clear and specific as possible. We will reply by email within six weeks. If we are interested in your project we will probably request more material, and if possible arrange a meeting in Stockholm or via the internet. We aim to disburse the grants in December. Please note that we do not have the resources to offer explanations or motivations regarding our decisions.
The Foundation operates internationally. We accept applications in English or Swedish.
Grant amount
A typical grant ranges in amount from €2,000 to €8,000, but may differ from year to year.
What kind of projects can apply?
We welcome projects of a broad range. Whether it’s a performance arts’ piece or a scientific paper, your project needs to be congruent with the quotation below.
From the Bylaws of the Foundation, section 1 Purpose:
“The Foundation aims to function as a catalyst for projects in the arts, sciences and humanities which stimulate individual spiritual and social development whilst promoting a sustainable society from a holistic perspective.
In particular, the foundation seeks to support initiatives that explore the nature of consciousness and its relation to matter, organic life and the human psyche, in order to contribute to an expanded knowledge of our selves, our planet and the universe.”
Swedish original:
”Stiftelsens målsättning är att fungera som en katalysator för projekt inom konst, vetenskap och humaniora, som stimulerar människans andliga och sociala utveckling samt främjar en hållbar samhällsutveckling utifrån ett holistiskt synsätt.
Stiftelsen vill i synnerhet stödja initiativ som utforskar medvetandets natur och dess förhållande till materia, organiskt liv och det mänskliga psyket, för att därigenom bidra till en ökad förståelse av oss själva, vår planet och universum.”
Grant Criteria
In addition to meeting our overall goals and objectives the foundation will pay attention to criteria such as achievability, merits of the applicant, and the communicative potential of your project.
Please note that applications are accepted October 1-15 only.