The Modern Research on Psychedelics

A book summarizing what we know on the topic of psychedelics.

Psychedelics are increasingly being publicized as a potential remedy for a wide range of medical conditions as well as for personal development. Psychedelics is the name for hallucinogenic substances, for example psilocybin (mushroom), LSD, or DMT. Scientists are talking about a renaissance and the hottest thing that has happened to psychiatry in 50 years, after psychedelics were criminalized. In study after study, these psychoactive agents have shown lasting effects with increased well-being and quality of life, even after a single treatment, without negative side effects. The majority of participants in these studies also tend to rank the psychedelic experience as one of the most personally meaningful in life. What is happening in the research? Isn't this like any drug? Based on hundreds of scientific studies, this book summarizes and investigates the possibilities and concerns, both for society and the individual. 


Petri J. Kajonius is associate professor and personality researcher in psychology at Lund University, and previously lecturer in cognitive neuroscience.

Moro info about Petri and his work can be found here.

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