
Not-for-profit, legal, medically supervised fellowship program for personal and work-related transformation.


PsyVal is a not-for-profit, legal, medically supervised fellowship program for personal and work-related transformation. PsyVal brings together four fields of theory and practice in a unique formulation, these being: system change, values-based research and practice, transpersonal psychology and plant-based/consciousness medicine, aka psychedelics.

Our rationale is based on five key concepts:

  1. Our current socio-economic system is broken.

  2. This system is based on stories we tell ourselves and the values we swim in.

  3. Psychedelics shake the snowglobe and allow new stories, beliefs, values and behaviours.

  4. Relaxing these beliefs and values allows space for new ones to emerge.

  5. PsyVal’s approach is to facilitate such new values, beliefs and actions being directed towards system change.

In essence participation in PsyVal is focused on asking not just what plant medicines can do for us personally, but what, through them we, and our work, can do for the world. If, as John Hopkins Professor Matt Johnson puts it, psychedelics can act as ‘behaviour change-agents’, PsyVal in turn seeks to work with these compounds to make behaviour change-agents of its Fellows.

CompletedJonas Pettersson