An immersive generative light & sound art experience, tailored to the individual via bio-sensing technology.
When 1 April - 31 May 2019
Venue 1A Dray Walk - 91 , Brick Lane, London, UK
In the heart of busy London, visitors are given the opportunity retreat from the urban stress and embark on a deeply rejuvenating and calming multisensory journey - inside of themselves. Data is gathered for scientific research on the use of multisensory media to improve emotional wellbeing and published in an open-source academic journal.
This project marks Wavepaths' first step into the public. It will present 'adaptive generative media' created by three artists (Brian Eno, Jon Hopkins and Greg Haines). The media (Music & light) is adaptive, i.e. tailored to the individual's personality and present feeling states via psychological & biophysiological measures (EEG, heart-rate, breathing), and the media is generative, i.e. created through a computational system that blends the sounds and lights created by artists in ever-evolving new forms.
Specific project objectives:
- Improve our empirical understanding of the relationship between music, sound and light on human psychology, emotionality and bio-physiology.
- High-quality research in partnership with world-class artists and Imperial College London, published in a high- standard open-source academic journal.
- Increase public awareness on the therapeutic use of music, sound and light.
- Facilitate measurable transformative experiences in participants.
- Acquire insight in ways wellbeing can be improved via immersive media and how this can be facilitated at global scale.
- Provide an opportunity for a young student researcher (Bsc/Msc level) to gain research experience, publish and stimulate his/her career.
More info on Wavepaths here.